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Writer's pictureSierra Rose Buckley

Winter Solstice: Invitation to Reflect

This time of year always invites me into reflection, taking stock of the past seasons and year gone by, and perhaps even listening for dreamy whispers about what seeds to sow in the coming year.

As I write, in the cradle of the December Full Moon and Winter Solstice, Hawthorn Berry and Turkey Tail Mushroom tea is brewing to be enjoyed during a simple ritual & reflection sharing with my sweetie.

Many possible reflective inquiries are arising, and I'd love to share them with you. If you are inspired, pick a few that resonate and journal on them. Or bring them into conversation with loved ones. (There's a lot, so I'll emphasize "a few". Unless, of course, you really want to go for it...)

Wintertide Journal Reflection Questions

  • If you're not sure which question to choose for reflection, my suggestion is this: journal about anything you have been observing this season, about the natural world, your inner experience, etc. The weather, the sky, the trees, the garden, moods, sleep patterns... anything. Perhaps you may want to go for a walk first with this inquiry in mind and come back and journal about it.

  • Full Moon Gratitude ~ Can't go wrong with givin' thanks, and I find the Full Moon to be especially an opportune time for it. The New Moon is a time for seeding intentions, and as the light grows, we see how life unfolds and what comes to fruition. In the Fullness of the Moon's Light, we can give thanks for all fruits of our labor and all the blessings of the past cycle. What are you grateful for this Moon?

  • We have watched the leaves fall, creating compost for fertile soil. In your life, what is falling away like the leaves of Autumn? What are you ready to shed and release this Winter?

  • Nearly all plants enter a period of dormancy during winter, where they rest, contain and conserve all their energy for the coming growing season. How are you making space for rest(oration) this season? Or, where are you sending your energy? What aspects of life are you directing your energy towards in order to regenerate come Spring?

  • Winter Solstice is the darkest night of the year. What are other words you might use to describe darkness? How do you relate to darkness? What do you appreciate about it?

  • Reflections on seasons past ~ What are some challenges you've faced this past year, this past season? What are some things you are grateful for and celebrating?

  • From the Solstice on out, the daylight will grow. What is something in your life you'd like to bring to the light? It can be a hope, prayer or intention you want to infuse with light, or it could be a shadow, a difficult aspect that you want to shed some light on and invite clarity and healing.

  • What are the traditions of your family this time of year? You can reflect on your immediate family, and I invite you to also look back on as many generations as you can. Who are your ancestors? How did your ancestors throughout time and history honor this season? Do any traditions of old still remain?

Simple Candle Ritual for the Winter Solstice

All you need for this ritual is a candle. It can be any candle. Perhaps you want to make or obtain a special candle for yourself.

Reflect on this question:

From the Solstice on out, the daylight will grow. What is something in your life you'd like to bring to the light? It can be a hope, prayer or intention you want to infuse with light, or it could be a shadow, a difficult aspect that you want to shed some light on and invite clarity and healing.

You may choose to journal on this. Whatever arises, hold it in your mind, heart, body and soul. Choose a word or formulate a simple phrase to represent your intention.

Examples: May I courageously step into my power / Grant me guidance and clarity on this uncertainty in my life / Presence / Support / Grace

As you light the candle, speak your word or phrase. Affirm with a blessing:

I welcome the return of the light, that it may shine brilliantly on all beings. As I light this candle, I welcome divine light into my life and to shine on this intention (repeat word or phrase).

​Spend a little time with the candle lit -- journaling, dancing, stretching, breathing, meditating, etc. Even just a few moments of conscious breathing will fortify this ritual.

When you are ready to close, bow in gratitude and blow out the candle. Return to the candle as often as you wish, lighting it while you are in prayer and letting it be a reminder of your intention.

​Winter Solstice Carol by Lady Graell

To the tune of Jingle Bells

Sun God Rise, Sun God Rise

From the Mother's Thighs

Mother Earth is Giving Birth

To the Sun that Lights our Skies, RISE! Yule Log Burn, Yule Log Burn

Beckoning Light's Return

Days are longer, Sun is Stronger

At Solstice the Year Wheel Turns

May your season be sparked with ritual, reflection and merry-making!

May you be well nourished and surrounded by love.

Good tidings of comfort and joy to all.

If you enjoyed this post, you are welcome to join my email list where I share these kinds of seasonal musings plus more intimate updates and shares.

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