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Client Reflections

"Sierra's soft yet powerful presence allows healing to take place effortlessly. In every session together, I always feel love and compassion flowing from her heart to mine. I  have no doubt that anyone who feels called to sit with Sierra will receive exactly the medicine that they most need." ~ Casey

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"I really want to extend my gratitude to Sierra for hosting such a refreshing moon ceremony. A perfect opportunity to give myself space to slow down and go within. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I felt so much happiness, serenity and acceptance that I started to tear up." ~ Hannah

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EFT Reviews
Emotional Freedom (EFT)

"In a world where everyone is trying to talk over each other to stand out, Sierra's power comes in the form of softness, stability and an ever-unfolding desire to learn more and deeply care more for her clients. Her intentions and energy are pure, nurturing and incredibly heartfelt. She's the real deal. 


If I could describe the experience, I would say it's a mix between EFT clearing and shamanic journeying/visioning as I re-visited a memory from my childhood that together, we reframed. It was a mystical, magical and most importantly, deeply healing experience.


Her voice puts you at ease, feeling safe, supported, nurtured, and that you're definitely in the right place. She asked what was going on in my life that I needed support with, really taking into account every detail of how I felt and what I was going through. 


I left the session feeling incredibly relaxed, supported and honestly blown away by what had just taken place. 


I will return to Sierra's medicine to feel nurtured, to soften a few layers, and to truly reframe and look at things in my life from a fresh lens with hope."


~ Brittany, Yoga Guide & Writer, Oregon

Wellness Coaching Reviews
Image by Quinsey Sablan

After 1 session...

"The first few minutes of anything new are uncomfortable for me (of course) but I soon felt safe in a session with Sierra.


It was very low pressure and casual, but felt powerful all the same! I enjoyed the fact that I could say as much or as little as I liked.


Also, hearing someone echo back to me my experience with slight reframing was incredibly helpful. It was my first EFT session and I am interested in continuing with Sierra."


After 5 sessions...


"I get a lot out of the sessions. I don’t expect to, but then I do!


It usually comes in the form of an insight or something I didn’t realize about what I’m experiencing. I’ve gotten a lot of insight of how my current feelings connect to my childhood in multiple sessions.


Also I appreciate the reframing that happens during the sessions, and the immense ease and acceptance that I feel afterward.


It has helped a lot."


~ Jana, School Teacher, California

Wellness Coaching

"Joining Sierra’s program was a call from the universe to reconnect with myself and my wellness.


I’m full of happiness to have joined a group of wonderful women and to feel accompanied in this process, to flourish even in distance with all these beautiful souls. I love Sierra’s energy and how she supported us and created a safe circle that was a balm for all of us. Everything was connected in the right time and best way. The whole program was a soul program sequence for me. The disconnections between my body, my heart and my soul were lovingly connected again.


I came back to my intuition, to my roots. It was a new awakening for my soul. I’m very grateful for that."


~ Meche, Ecuador


"This work has taught me how to connect deeper with my mind, heart, body, and spirit. 


The program opened my eyes to different ways of thinking. I loved how tangible and easy it was to implement into my life! Learning about how the moon and my cycle are in sync was really impactful.


I love the way Sierra navigated the group and directed conversation. I felt totally valued and accepted and that my ideas or words were not judged. Sierra has a peaceful presence and brings so much light and joy; I loved learning from her!


My relationship with myself expanded through breath work, movement, and journaling! Even the journaling prompts presented in the modules allowed me to ask myself questions that I wouldn't have thought of before. I am excited to continue to revisit the lessons and let them flow into my life even more. It just opened more doors for me! Thank you!"


~ Maycee, Idaho


"Sierra is really good at what she does. She’s non-judgmental and helped me feel safe with myself. I see her as very kind and patient and that she genuinely wants to help other people.


I joined this program to heal my mind, body and soul. I came out of it with more self-compassion, determination, courage, and connection with my feminine side. More and more everyday speaking up for myself because I love myself.


I am loving what I have gotten from these sessions. It is so encouraging for me to keep going forward. I want to share with my women friends as another avenue of help."

~ Ali, Idaho

Wellness Coaching
Image by Madeleine Maguire

"I started working with Sierra so that I could get on the right path toward having a healthy lifestyle. The hardest part was admitting to myself that I needed help and a push in the right direction.


It has been one of the best decisions that I have made.


It helps to get outside knowledge and support with healthy eating and other lifestyle changes. My favorite part about working with Sierra was that she has a very positive personality, and she continued to support me, even through rough patches. I recommend her to anyone struggling to get on a healthy path. She really helps."


~Danna, California


"I had some major breakthroughs with Sierra. I have been resisting breathing into and being with emotions coming up for me, and it has affected my relationship with food for a long time! She listened and held space, and I was really able to receive and understand the pieces I was struggling with.


She helped transform my perspective and offered tools to improve how it was affecting my relationships and overall peace and daily mindfulness. Thank you Sierra!"


~ Natalie, Our Bowl of Light

Yoga & Massage Reviews
Image by Boris Baldinger

"My all day yoga retreat with Sierra Rose was incredible. I enjoyed it all, from the opening tea ceremony, to the yoga practice, to the afternoon cacao and everything in between. Sierra made us all feel comfortable and honored. I'm looking forward to joining her again when she is in our area."


~ Bonnie, Idaho



"Taking a yoga class from Sierra is much more than just a workout or a place to escape. It's an entire experience. Mind, body, and soul.


We took a yoga class from Sierra, coming in at totally different levels as a couple. I (Gabi) have taken yoga for several years and I usually feel pretty flexible and in-tune with my body. Brock is newer to yoga and comes in as an athlete but a beginner to yoga.


With Sierra as a teacher, you don't need to be an expert. Her calm, comforting demeanor guides you through class with grace and acceptance. Sierra is just as much a loving, welcoming, and skilled teacher as she is a friend. She has so much to offer and her wisdom and outlook on life goes far beyond the yoga studio. We love Sierra!" 


~ Gabi and Brock, Idaho 



"Sierra has a presence that resonates with the vibration of joy and equanimity. She thoughtfully guides participants deeper into their heart-mind using voice, breath, movement and intention.


I worked with Sierra at several venues when I lived in San Marcos, Guatemala and she helped me to regulate my nervous system after a very traumatic life change with her calm, compassionate demeanor and intuitive knowing.


She is more than your typical yoga instructor. She embodies and transmits the heart of what it means to be a truly present human being and her powerful presence helps soothe the soul."


~ Bodhi, Sacred Roots, North Carolina



"Sierra has a loving presence and an intuitive touch. She is very knowledgeable and I feel at ease in her hands."


~ Cassandra, Psychologist, California



"Sierra's bodywork is nurturing and relaxing, and she took the time to find out about what was going on in my body and spend extra time there. I find her energy to be really warm and her touch intuitive and almost maternal. Highly recommend a session with her to replenish and care for yourself."


~ Juliana, Author, California



"My massage with Sierra was therapeutically comprehensive, blissfully soothing, and deeply calming. I enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and presence of Sierra, as well as her attunement with me and my body throughout the session. She creates a safe and healing atmosphere that mirrors the loving and compassionate presence that she radiates. Looking forward to the next session.


~ Antonio, Soul Supporter, California





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