In the old earth based religions, holy days coincide with the shifting seasons. February 1~2 is the midpoint between winter solstice and spring equinox and is honored as Imbolc. Though it is recognized on a specific day, the energy permeates all around that date and can be observed in nature and felt as a seasonal shift. The nearest new or full moon is also an opportune moment to acknowledge the Imbolc ~ fresh milk, in the belly, budding branches ~ seasonal energy.
An Imbolc Evoked Poem
Blood red talon
Strikes sterile snow white
The colors of death
Bare trees
In a landscape, frigid still
Barely breathing
Look closer
The red heat of life
A budding branch
In a sea of white milk
Red & White, the elixir of creation
Imbolc Weather Divination
Like Ground Hog day, there is a myth involving Cailleach ~ Gaelic Crone Goddess, Dark Mother, Queen of Winter.
Will a sunny morning rouse the Cailleach to fetch fire wood for keeping warm during a long winter? Or will there be a cloud cover, leaving Cailleach to slumber with little to no fire wood left, bringing Springtime all the nearer?
Delve deeper into the mid-winter mood with me through the seasonal application of poetry, myth and story in the video below.