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A holistic and feminine approach to health

You are invited to the...

6-Week Virtual Group Program

for the women who are ready to enjoy a more

soulful relationship with their health and body


With intuition as our guide, we'll move together through an intelligent mind, body, heart, soul program sequence, to  heal body image, nurture healthy eating habits, and embody well-rounded, vibrant vitality

Canva - Silhouette Photo of Woman During

"Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10% of what 

your body knows instinctively."


Image by Alexandro David

If you are here, I imagine you...

Are tired of the pressures and conditions placed on women about
what your body and diet should should look like


Have had some struggles with eating habits and making healthy choices,
including overeating and stress eating


Deep down, you want to feel good in your body

Are interested in alternative approaches to health

Are ready to take steps towards the healthiest version of you



Over the course of 6 weeks, we will...

Be guided through an intelligent mind, body, heart, soul sequence

Anchor in compassion, mindfulness, and intuition as our guiding principles


Reprogram habits and beliefs to support highest well-being


Learn practical and sustainable health and wellness practices 


Nurture a healthy relationship with food and eating habits


Learn to approach food with calmness, care, and receive nourishment joyously


Explore and connect with your body in a loving way


Use breathing and mindful movement to optimize energy flow in the body


Cultivate  self-love, compassion and non-judgement to support you on your journey


Weave in sacred rituals and routines throughout your journey


Connect with the ultimate nourishment of source


Let go of the conditions, beliefs, habits and patterns weighing you down. No more struggling binge eating and judging yourself. No more body shaming and getting stuck in the negative self-talk loop. No more looking into the mirror at this body and wishing it were different. No more giving your vital energy away to stress and unhealthy habits


Connect with the power of feminine body wisdom. Nourish a balanced relationship with food and receive it with pleasure. Feed yourself clean energy in mind, body, and heart. Honor your natural cycles and fluctuations. Befriend your wondrous body. Touch the part of you that is innately radiant and full of health: bring her to life.



"Your body holds deep wisdom. 


Trust in it.

Learn from it.

Nourish it.


Watch your life transform

and be healthy."


~ Bella Bleue

I believe that each woman is unique and beautiful, and being empowered in her health and at ease in her body is her natural state.


Although that state may feel hard to access, it is still there. It always will be. And we don’t have to feel depleted, dull, or ruled by body shaming and food coping. And we don’t have to torture or restrict ourselves to enjoy being in our body. In fact, can actually be pleasurable and graceful to connect with and care for our health and bodies. 


We have all we need within us, but with information overload and strong conditioning, we have been led away from our inner knowing. We have laid tracks over our intuition. I know this because I spent years searching. And now, I want to support women by offering them tools based on intuition, in a container that values their body wisdom over ANY technique, practice, or regimen. This is your journey, and I would be honored to witness, support, and empower you along the way.

Program in Progress

Contact me below to learn about future offerings!


"I started working with Sierra so that I could get on the right path toward having a healthy lifestyle. The hardest part was admitting to myself that I needed help and a push in the right direction.


It has been one of the best decisions that I have made.


It helps to get outside knowledge and support with healthy eating and other lifestyle changes. My favorite part about working with Sierra was that she has a very positive personality, and she continued to support me, even through rough patches. I recommend her to anyone struggling to get on a healthy path. She really helps."


~Danna, California

Image by Pete Linforth

Program begins July 7, 2020
6 weekly calls 10:15 am PT every Tuesday


Call 1: MIND I
July 7, 2020

Practice mindfulness and bring awareness to lifestyle habits; set intentions; connect to intuition as it relates to your health and wellness


Call 2: MIND II
July 14, 2020

Identify and release what no longer serves; claim what you desire to embody; create space for and summon radiant well-being


Call 3: BODY I
July 21, 2020

Offer the body food as sacrament, blessed nourishment; develop mindful and intuitive eating practices; receive inspiration and practical, sustainable healthy habits to incorporate



Call 4: BODY II
August 4, 2020

Practice movement as an act of self-love; move mindfully and work with the breath to encourage optimal flow of energy



Call 5: HEART
August 11, 2020

Learn how to respond when you feel you've slipped off track with wellness; practice forgiveness, non-judgement, and loving kindness



Call 6: SOUL
August 18, 2020

Connect with spirit, source, and natural cycles; create sacred ritual and routine for integration and next steps




You Receive:

Six 90-minute Live Coaching Calls

A safe community space for mind, body soul-based healthy habit building and transformation.

Lifetime Access to Live Recordings and Course Materials

These 6 weeks will be life-changing, and it's just the beginning. Access materials whenever you need a mind, body, soul boost.


Private Online Community Forum

Connect with women who are on the same journey for support, accountability, and inspiration.


Contact me below to learn about future offerings.

Registration closed. Program in process.

This program is for you if you...

Believe that health and well-being is holistic


Understand that wellness is a practice


Want to feed your soul and feel good in your body


Are interested in making positive lifestyle changes and building in healthy habits


Are ready to show up for yourself, your health and well-being


This program is not for you if you...

​Want immediate results


Believe in the “no pain, no gain” motto


Are looking for specific diet and fitness programming


Are focused and motivated by external changes


Are not in a place to make lifestyle changes at this time

If this program is for you, and

money is the one thing holding you back,

please contact me at the bottom of the page

to learn about scholarship opportunities.

Priority scholarships for Black, Indigenous and People of Color

About your guide

I believe it’s time to recreate the approach to health and wellness for women. I believe its time for us to know the sheer beauty and power of our Goddess given bodies. To thrive in our feminine energy with respect to our cyclical nature.


But I know that is a huge leap from the mainstream culture and conditions we are surrounded by.


I spent a lot of my time, life, and energy sifting through and searching for ways to feel better in my body.


When I started practicing yoga, something started to click, because yoga led me to my intuition. And it wasn’t until I took an intuitive approach to my health and body with compassion and mindfulness that I started to heal the disconnect in my body.


An intuitive approach is a feminine approach, and it has completely changed my life and allowed my personal wellness and sense of embodiment to expand, evolve, and thrive. Having clarity in my mind, body, soul has completely shifted all areas of my life, and allowed me to step into the life and freedom I desire, and open my heart to love.


What I share in this program is truly my life’s work thus far and offers what I believe to be key components to living vibrantly in this body.

What it's like to work with me...


"Sierra's teaching has a tranquil and nourishing energy, that always leaves me feeling completely calm and in sync." 

~ Karrie, Empowerment Astrology

"Sierra has a presence that resonates with the vibration of joy and equanimity. She thoughtfully guides participants deeper into their heart-mind. She helped me to regulate my nervous system after a very traumatic life change with her calm, compassionate demeanor and intuitive knowing. She embodies and transmits the heart of what it means to be a truly present human being and her powerful presence helps soothe the soul." ~ Bodhi, Sacred Roots 

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